The Facts of Life

How many times have you been heard, “I have plenty of insurance”? This is perhaps one of the most common objections when offering Payment Protection and yet, a very common myth.  The reality is that having plenty of life insurance has nothing to do for “them”, but what it does for their surviving family. Fact is, life changes constantly and if …

You Never Know

Many people have the thought that if they eat well, exercise daily and live a healthy lifestyle that they are not susceptible to disability or death. This is a myth.  There are so many causes of death and disability and no matter how well your take care of yourself, life happens and we are all at risk.  Also, it’s not …

Identifying Payment Protection Needs

We should never assume that our clients know or understand what Payment Protection is or how they will benefit from it.  Before offering, during the loan application completion, use the time to ask questions that will help your client identify with the importance of protecting their loan, their asset and their family.  If you are asking questions, that’s great, if …

The Affordable “Health Care” Dilemma

A new government and here we go again, another “Heath Care” dilemma.  So much going on that we should take pause and look into what we can do for our clients to ensure they are protecting themselves, their families, and their credit. Understanding the types of insurance* may help your client make the best decision.  Obviously, there are employer plans, …

Without Enough Life Insurance, Who Truly Suffers?

As we know, life insurance isn’t for the deceased, but for their family and estate.  Though many individuals who purchase life insurance, do so to cover funeral costs, mortgage and perhaps college; how many consider the need to replace the lost income and maintain an established lifestyle for the surviving family?   Consider, how much of their life insurance would …

Medical Debt – “It Won’t Happen to Me”

It’s a new year and a new government in Washington, so how will our new administration impact Health Care?  Obamacare vs. Trump Care?  Will it be easier to understand, will benefits improve, will it be easier to apply for or will it continue to be the same? Time will tell; however, whatever is happening to HealthCare, what is definite is …

A Product for “All Reasons”

Client education is an important aspect of your position.  Their financial well-being should be your primary concern.  We may look at positioning the client financially with a better type of loan, loan rate, checking or savings account; however, if we don’t educate them on protecting those financial decisions, then we are not providing the “value-added” service that clients have come …

Great Product Features

It’s possible, when working with a product, that we become complacent.  In other words….we point out some features of Payment Protection; however, fail to mention some valuable ones as well.  Let’s review some of the outstanding features of Payment Protection that provide excellent benefits to your clients: Coverage begins on the same date of the loan and continues to provide …

Tired of the Same Old Objections?

Tired of the Same Old Objections? There is no doubt that Payment Protection is a valuable product.  Ask the clients that you’ve sold it to who have used it; they’ll invest in Payment Protection on every loan.  However, for those who “give you the same old objections”, we sometimes become immune to them and need a way to “think out …

Don’t Take that Bet!

It’s amazing that many consumers believe they are infallible.  “It won’t happen to me” or “I’ll take my chances” are two very common objections for Disability.  Well, based on the “odds” below, they are taking a chance and hedging against the odds.  It’s clear; they might not want to take that bet. The most common causes of existing disability claims: …